Thursday, March 1, 2012

"What the..." or "Odd Things You May Find Should You Ever Explore in Korea"

I have definitely covered some ground in the almost five months I have been living in South Korea.  I have become very comfortable here, and really feel like I'm getting the hang of things in another culture.  However, any time I start to feel a little too much at ease, I come across something that reminds me that "I'm not in Kansas anymore."  Some examples:

Now you can see how your spectacles will look on all your different facial expressions!

That guy in the yellow...he's a bit taller than most

The creepiest thing is that they actually can walk around...

 Ok!  I believe you!

 This I just don't get...

Korean food has made me so strong, I can lift the front of a car (with a little help)

A clever way to solve a problem.

These things are hard to explain, but they were fun! (See video below)

Kinda trippy...

On my way home one evening, in the middle of the city, next to a convenience store.

This is actually right smack-dab in the middle of an amusement park.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love the thing in the video! So cool!--Stacy
